Structural SVM Multiclass Implementation on Matlab

SSVM Classify Multiclass SVM  Implementation  on MATLAB by solving Quadratic Programming on Primal (CVX) and Dual (Matlab quadproc)
According to Crammer and Singer forumation.

[1] K. Crammer and Y. Singer. On the Algorithmic Implementation of Multi-class SVMs, JMLR, 2001.
This code is Matlab implementation of the following Multiclass Structural SVM

        min 1/2 Σi=1..k wi*wi + C/n Σi = 1..n ξi
         s.t. for all y in [1..k]: [ x1wyi ] >= [ x1wy ] + 100*Δ(y1,y) - ξ1
for all y in [1..k]: [ xnwyn ] >= [ xnwy ] + 100*Δ(yn,y) - ξn

Usage: Call run_myownSSVM_myQuadprocMulticlassSVM on Matlab

Change the variable dual_qp to true for solving on Dual objective function
Change the variable dual_qp to false for solving on Primal objective function 

The code is available at


